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Diindolylmethane: A cure for cancer

DIM has recently been found to be one of the compounds to alleviate issues with cancer as well as a plethora of viral and bacteria-related illnesses. While clinical trials and the compound finds itself in slew of testing phases here and there, it should be interesting to determine the source …

Do you need dentist implants?

There are two kinds of people that often visit the dentist. People who have healthy teeth and would like to keep it …

Why an invisalign dentist helps?

Apart from creating embarrassing situations in the way you look, dentures have not necessarily sat well with its users, as it creates discomfort …

Undergoing Alcohol Treatment

As poetic as the phrase ‘hard to choose between whisky and wife’ sounds, it’s not all that macho as it’s made out …

Need tooth implant surgery?

For most compulsive smokers and alcoholics, dental care is considered a lost cause. Yes, that is what dentists say will lead to …

Dental Bridges and implants

Almost 60 to 75 % of what you mean to convey in any conversation is interpreted through your body language, while talking …