What Makes DIM a Crucial Discovery?

For almost two decades now, the compound DIM has been the focus of research at UC Berkeley because of the health benefits that it offers. Studies have shown that this compound, which is commonly found in the Brassica family of vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower among others), is one of the most versatile compounds in molecular biology.

This is not just hearsay or even guesswork on the part of the scientists who have carried out this work, but has been validated by years of research work conducted at the aforementioned university. It was also found that this compound was useful in eradicating several viral and bacterial diseases, thanks to its ability to boost the immune system.

The real benefit of this compound is that since the immune system treats every disease in the same manner, it doesn’t matter whether you have cancer or AIDS, as it will do everything in its power to destroy these harmful diseases and remove them from the body before they cause any further harm.

Diindolylmethane is currently being tested by the National Cancer Institute to see if it can be used as another method to treat cancer. Similarly, it is also being used with Taxol to aid in the current treatment of cancer as it has demonstrated direct anti-cancer properties in research.

But that’s not all. Not only is it useful in dealing with a host of diseases, while giving the immune system and the body’s organs that extra boost required, it has also been found to be a successful cancer prevention diet. The chances of a person getting prostate or breast cancer is reduced significantly when using this compound as a supplement.

Keeping these aspects in mind, there is no doubt that this compound will continue to remain the subject of much fascination and research, as it might hold the key to cures for several diseases.