How to Deal with Setbacks In Life







Written by Heather Richards

Are you experiencing a setback in your career or relationship? Is there is an unexpected delay on the road towards certain wants or needs in your life? Setbacks can be frustrating. It’s hard to be patient while pursuing something we really want, let alone when there is a delay along the way. But setbacks don’t have to be paralyzing or frustrating. In fact, they can even be irrelevant as long as you have the right mindset.

According to Dr. Eric Amidi, a quantum physicist and the author of the ebook “The Secret Behind the Secret,” there is a way to land on your feet after each and every setback in life. In a recent blog post he suggests that the first key to dealing with setbacks is accepting that they happen. Dr. Eric Amidi goes on to say that we can learn this vital lesson from the cat, an animal that often falls from high places. But instead of focusing on how often it falls, the cat has learned to master the fall and land on its feet every time. Why? The cat has learned to master the fall because it has accepted it as a part of life.

Yet acceptance is only part of the equation. Dr. Eric Amidi suggests that once you accept that “falling” is inevitable, you should then stop dwelling on the setback. How much time and energy have you wasted on thinking about your mistakes or setbacks in life? If you’re like me, probably a lot! But instead of wondering why or how the setback occurred, you should instead focus on your goal and keep going. What simple and valuable advice!