Low Calorie Alcohol and Food To Relax On The Weekend

The weekend is the time to relax, but if you want to drink, that can bring weight issues to the foreground. As always, each type of alcohol lists its nutritional values. But how do you know what your body is doing with those calories? Calories in Alcohol can be very harmful to your body. Did you know that a single cocktail can do more damage than a McDonald’s grilled chicken burger? In fact, 1 gram of alcohol has 7 calories, compared with only 4 for a gram of carbohydrates and protein. How do freshmen at college gain the freshmen 15? By drinking too much beer. Some of the worst beers include Scottish Ale and Anchor Porter, over 200 calories in each drink. One of the best low calorie alcohol beers includes Pabst Extra Light Low Alcohol, which is only 67 per 12 oz serving. Other beers to look for are Molson Light and Anheuser Busch Natural Light.

Not into drinking? How about sushi? This is one of the best ways to eat healthily and the sushi calories and health benefits are plentiful. Sushi is full of protein and nutrients, and is also low in fat. In fact, sushi is one of the greatest sources of protein you could eat, considering its low amounts of fat. Calories in sushi are also very low! It contains a lot of these essential nutrients we need to survive and maintain normal body functioning. Two major ingredients found in sushi dishes are Wasabi and Ginger. Each of these products contain antibacterial qualities. Either way, if you’re looking for a night out to relax, both alcohol and sushi can offer low calorie options to satiate your needs!