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Despite Obamacare, gap health insurance market explodes

By Beth Pinsker NEW YORK (Reuters) – Despite the promise of coverage through the U.S. Affordable Care Act (ACA), the number of people applying for non-compliant, short-term health insurance policies was up more than 100 percent in 2014, according to new data available from companies who broker these policies. This type of health insurance is exactly the kind that the ACA, known commonly as Obamacare, was supposed to upgrade. The government does not count these gap plans as qualifying health insurance, so people who have them are subject to penalties for being uninsured.

Designer molecule lowers HIV levels: trial results

This meant the designer molecule dubbed 3BNC117 may be best used in combination with other drugs, said the team — while highlighting the promise of a new, immunotherapy-based approach to fighting HIV. “This represents potentially a new class of drugs with activity against HIV,” study co-author Marina Caskey of New York's Rockefeller University told AFP. So-called monoclonal antibodies like 3BNC117 which are cloned from a single parent immune cell, hold the promise of actually killing HIV-infected cells. The new agent, cloned from a cell taken from an HIV-positive person, was given to 12 uninfected volunteers and 17 infected with HIV.