The miraculous Diindolylmethane

activamune5Diindolylmethane is not some gas that is a subset of methane. Neither is it some gas that is produced from manure or garbage. It is, in fact, a naturally occurring compound in certain vegetables; namely cruciferous vegetables.

It is being called a miraculous compound, because it has direct cancer fighting properties.Diindolylmethane or DIM, can be found in vegetables such as Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, horseradish, turnips, rapeseed, kale and others.Consumed in raw form, these vegetables provide an immense benefit to your body. In addition to fighting cancer, this compound also boosts your immune system. This in turn is an added advantage in fighting cancer and in fighting other diseases like the common cold or the flu.Thus, this Natural Immune Booster eliminates the need for you to take any other manufactured immune system boosters.

Smoker in particular should consume these vegetables as they are at most risk.However, it will be even more beneficial to them if they stop smoking as well.To get the best benefit out of these vegetables, include them in a good diet and start working out. Exercise is another great way to boost your immune system and the more chances you give yourself the better your health will be.

If you can’t stop smoking altogether, try cutting down and tapering it off over time.It may be difficult at first, but think of the future and your family and it will al make sense. Talk to your doctor or dietician before you make any drastic changes to your diet, and get their advice on how you should make the change.