Three Ingredients to Protect Your Memory
As we get old, we tend to forget things the way we used to remember. Have you forgotten where you parked your car or where you kept that bundle of keys? Well, you are not alone. There are three main things that you can do to increase and maintain your memory: diet, exercise and social and intellectual activities.
Your diet can boost the brain power. Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach and collards contain higher amount of vitamin E and folic acid, two ingredients that is proven to reduce the risk of dementia. Fish oil supplements contain brain beneficial omega 3 fatty acids. Colorful fruits and vegetable contain carotenoids, a substance that provides bio-protective effects.
Regular exercises increase the blood flow to the brain and decrease your risk of stroke. Also, it stimulates smaller blood vessels which reduce the risk of dementia. Damaged smaller blood vessels could lead to cognitive decline.
Even a mild depression could affect your cognitive function, so, stay connected. Social activities can boost your blood flow, release stress and improve your coping skills. If you play a music instrument such as a violin or piano, find a place to practice. Learn a new language and practice with a friend.