Food Colors

Whether you’re just looking to drop a few pounds or you’re interested in a more extensive weight loss program such as a summer boot camp, chances are that you could stand to be eating a bit healthier. With so many different nutritional systems and dieting plans out there, it can be difficult to keep track of what exactly you’re supposed to be eating when, and in what quantity. Counting points or calories can be a bit difficult, especially for someone who is frequently on the go, eating in a rush. However, there are some simple guidelines that you can follow to help make sure that your diet is well-rounded, even if you aren’t visiting a California fitness camp and receiving professional nutritional advice. It may sound a bit odd, but paying attention to the color of the food that you eat can help ensure a better balance to your nutrition.

What colors should you look for? Red foods like tomatoes and bell peppers are a good source of lycopene. Orange foods like carrots and oranges contain beta carotene.  Dark green veggies such as spinach and broccoli offer luetin.  Blue and purple fruits provide anthocyanins.

Of course, these are very general suggestions.  California weight loss spas can provide you with much more detail on what foods you should seek out and which ones you should avoid.

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